Performance summary table
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JePPIX MPW Platforms

JePPIX offers platforms created from InP integrated photonics and the TriPleX platfrom, although not Silicon photonics. Each has there own distinctive advantage and a comparison table is offered below.

Select the technology that suits your needs best. If you have an idea on what building blocks are required for your circuit, use the comparison table below to help you in your selection. JePPIX members receive independent advice to help in making the right selection. Contact us to discuss the possibilities and help you make your selection.

Building Block

Passive components•••••••
Polarisation components••••
Phase modulators•••••
Electro - absortion modulators•••••
Optical amplifiers•••HH
•••Very good
Fabrication Technology

If additional expert advice is required to compare different foundry processes and their adequacy to the target application, this can be provided by professional design houses.

TriPlex Platform

The TriPleX platform offers low-loss straight waveguides, bends, S-bends, offsets, splitters, spot size converters, lateral tapers and thermo-optic phase shifters.

For example, combinations of these building blocks allow the creation of microwave photonics ASPICs by combining Mach-Zehnders and micro ring resonators. The current platform has guaranteed losses below 0.5 dB/cm. Further technical information on Triplex MPW’s is posted on the new Lionix International website

InP Platform

JePPIX offers a low cost access to the production of InP based chips.

InP offers amplification and laser sources which are monolithically integrated on chip. No need for complex assembly steps. Additionally InP offers efficient modulators and detectors as well as a broad range of passive waveguide structures and devices. The latest capability overview is shown in the table below.

CategoryComponentSpecificationFraunhofer HHISMART Photonics
Lasers and AmplifiersSOAGain92 cm-1@7000A/cm230 dB/mm
Saturation Power13 dBm15 dBm
DBR gratingTuning range4 nm4 nm
DFB laserTuning range4 nm3 nm (not available on MPW,
only on dedicated run)
Output power10 mW @ 150 mA20 mW @ 100 mA
Small signal Bandwidth20 GHz @ 100 mA
DBR laserTuning range5 nm4 nm
Output power10 mW @ 200 mA> 10 mW
Linewidth<1 MHz< 1 MHz
Thermally tuneable sampled grating DBRTuning range50 nm30 nm
Isolation sectionYesYes
Broad band reflectors1x2 MMI reflectorLoss*2 dB
1x1 MMI reflectorLoss*2 dB
Polarization devicesPolarization splitterLoss2 dB*
PER25 dB
Polarization converter 90°Loss2 dB*
PER20 dB
Polarization converter 45°Loss2 dB
PhotodiodesPIN photodiode3 dB bandwidth45 GHz30 GHz @ -3 V
Dark current2 nA @ -2 dV25 nA @ -2 V Bias (DC pin diode)
Sensitivity0.8 A/W> 0.70 A/W @ 1550nm
Balanced detector
3 dB bandwidth20 GHz
Dark current2 nA @ -2 dV
Sensitivity0.8 A/W
ModulatorsThermo-optic phase modulatorLoss2 dB/cm*
I(PI) x L20 mA x mm
Current injection phase modulatorLoss2dB for 100-200 um<0.5 dB for 1 mm
I(PI) x L20 mA x mmt.b.d.
Electro-Optical phase modulator (MZI)Loss4 dB2 dB
Bandwidth30 GHz25 GHz
V(PI) 4 V5 V
Electro-Absorption modulator (EAM)EO Bandwidth20 GHz> 50 GHz
ER / length10 dB / 100 µm> 6 dB
Spot size converterSpot size converter for edge couplingLoss waveguide to SSMF is 1.5 dBLateral taper
Passive waveguidesStraight waveguideLoss<2 dB/cm1.5 dB/cm (shallow)
2 dB/cm (deep)
Arc waveguideMinimal radius250 um100 um
Curved deep waveguideLoss0.1 dB/90 deg
Tapered waveguideLoss2 dB/cm2 dB/cm
Couplers and Filters1x2 MMI couplerLoss0.5 dB0.5 dB
2x2 MMI couplerLoss0.5 dB0.5 dB
Directional couplerLoss0.5 dB
Linear grating
Coupling factor300 / cm50 /cm
Tuning range (thermal or EO)4 nm2 nm
Sampled gratingCoupling factor300 / cm50 /cm
FSRdesigned by customer
* Building blocks under development.
PDK extension for SMART Photonics

Besides the building blocks shown below, a PDK extension is available via TU/e: tuesmartx. This PDK contains TU/e extension building blocks for SMART Photonics. Such building blocks are used in the same way as regular building blocks from the foundry.

Examples of building blocks provided by tuesmartx are MMI couplers with different splitting ratios, (tunable) lasers and arrayed waveguide gratings. It requires the (n+) MPW PDK from SMART Photonics. The extension is free for MPW use.

Click the button below to read more details about these extension building blocks.

IMOS Nanophotonics Platform

This open-access platform supports a unique combination of nanophotonics, photonic integration, lasers, amplifiers and the highest efficiency electro-optic processes. See the table below for an overview of the technical specifications.

Basic Building BlockParameterIndicative values*
Slot waveguideMinimum slot width100 nm
GratingMinimum linewidth100 nm
SOA (4MQW version)Net modal gain (TE)
Gain bandwidth
48 cm-1 @ 4.1 kA/cm2
40 nm
PIN photodiodeResponsivity> 0.5 A/W
WaveguidePropagation lossTypical 2-6 dB/cm
BendBend loss0.03 dB/90° at 5 μm radius
MMI coupler (1x2)Insertion loss0.6 dB
Thermo-optic phase shifterLength for 2π phase shift200 μm

Pre-defined IP blocksParameterIndicative values*
Photonic crystal reflectorReflectivity
Optical 1dB bandwidth
90 - 95 %
60 nm
Optical antennaBeam width (FWHM)
0.05° x 7.4°
2 mm
Ring resonatorQ factor
Linear grating couplerInsertion loss
Optical 3dB bandwidth
5.5 dB to SMF (TE)
40 nm
Focusing grating couplerInsertion loss4.5 dB to SMF (TE & TM)
DFB laserThreshold current
Output power
50 mA
1 mW
Corner mirror bendEffective radius
Bend loss
1.0 μm
<0.15 dB/90°
AWG MUXInsertion loss
6 dB
10 dB
PCG MUXInsertion loss
4 dB
25 dB