The Future of MPW Services

Online Panel Discussion

ePIXfab and JePPIX jointly organised an online panel discussion ahead of the 2020 edition of ECIO on the topic: Will MPW services for integrated photonics grow or decline in the next 10 years? The following questions were put to the panelists:

  1. Is a photonic MPW service more than just an entry-point for researchers?
  2. What does it take for photonic MPW to go the same route as electronic MPW?
  3. Can photonic MPW combine a low-barrier entry with a route to process differentiation?

This discussion was held ahead on 22 June, on the eve of the 2020 edition of ECIO with co-chairs Roel Baets and Kevin Williams and panelists:

  • Romano Hoofman (Europractice)
  • Mike Wale (UCL, TU/e)
  • Michael Hochberg (Elenion)
  • Francisco Rodrigues (PICadvanced)
  • Pieter Dumon (Luceda)
  • Geert Appeldoorn (SMART Photonics)
  • Kavitha Buddharaju (AMF)

Read the summary of the panel discussion here.