In the coming years the generic foundry approach will cause a revolution in micro and nanophotonics, just like it did in microelectronics thirty years ago. In Europe, three integration technology platforms are active for introducing the generic foundry concept for the major integration technologies in Photonics: JePPIX for InP-based monolithic integration, ePIXfab for silicon photonics, and TriPleX for low-loss dielectric waveguide technology. In this report, a roadmap for the development of generic InP-based integration technology is presented. It is a first version in a series, and will be updated and improved on a yearly basis.

In microelectronics, the MOSIS-program1 has been in- strumental in providing low-cost access to advanced foundry processes since the late eighties, first to universities, later also to companies. By processing more than 50,000 designs it has given a great boost to the development of VLSI technology. We foresee a similar two-phase development in photonic inte- gration. In a first phase low-cost access to advanced foundry processes is provided for R&D on integra- tion of existing or novel sub-systems into a single chip. We expect that a large number of universities and other research institutes will be interested in making use of such a facility. This number can even be increased by creating national design support centers in a number of countries throughout Europe. Many of these R&D designs will be developed in close cooperation with companies, and a number of them will lead to commercial products, either from an existing company or a startup. This second phase will lead to a business, enabled by photonic ICs, which will exceed the 1 B€ level before 2020.

In this report the roadmap towards a multi-billion Euro market in generic InP-based Photonics is described. Although the present roadmap vision is shared in large measure by all partners in the JePPIX platform, its realization is dependent on many uncertain factors, both commercial and technological. Being an open access model to an enabling technology it will bring large benefits to a broad group of users. However an important uncertainty is the development of a proper business model in order to guarantee that sufficient funds can be made available to support the large investments that are required for development of novel technology generations with ever more perfor- mance. Here, European and national public-private funding will be important to share part of the risks.

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